Tuesday, January 29, 2002

OK, I can see how blogging can get very addictive... I like that I have my own domain and at least all the dirty work is done for me automatically. Sheesh, a computing student who can't be bothered to make her own web page. Well, I have work to do!...when I'm not admiring other peoples' blog sites, of course!

Being a final year student is very stressful! All that stuff that high school teachers (or the UK equivalent, A-level teachers) tell you about high school being the most difficult thing you'll ever do...well, all that is crap. This is tough. And I can imagine being a PhD student is tougher. And being a lecturer would be the toughest! Not that I want to be a lecturer.

Introductions might be necessary here. I'm in my fourth year of Information Systems Engineering at Imperial College in London, England. I like London. Others don't - they find it too busy and dirty and noisy. But you'd have to decide for yourself...


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