Friday, July 04, 2003

Friday Five, again on reading!

1. What were your favorite childhood stories?
Beverley Cleary books (Ramona series), Mrs Piggle-Wiggle, Roald Dahl, the Betsy-Tacy books, the Little Women trio, and I gotta mention Sarah Ellis here! I remember a lot of sci-fi/fantasy stuff for teenagers too....and now that I think about them, they must've been a load of crap.

2. What books from your childhood would you like to share with [your] children?
Definitely the Betsy-Tacy books. I love how the books grow up with Betsy's age. Mrs Piggle-Wiggle would be a good one too.

3. Have you re-read any of those childhood stories and been surprised by anything?
I've reread them and I guess I'm surprised the number of memories that doing so brings back. Oh, and I still read children's books! They're great fun!

4. How old were you when you first learned to read?
That's a good question and I don't know the answer. All I know is that I've been reading for as long as I can remember.

5. Do you remember the first 'grown-up' book you read? How old were you?
I think it was a Stephen King! Very inappropriate stuff! I have no idea how old I was. Oh, and I read Jane Eyre when I was quite young, I think.


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