Updates are going to be few and far between for the next two months. It's revision time here at Imperial College! And after revision time, exam time! Oh boy! (hear the sarcasm in my voice) Wish me luck cuz I'm gonna need it! Actually, wish everyone in my year and course luck - we all have between 8 and 10 exams.
On Saturday, my friends and I had a steamboat. For those of you not in the know, a steamboat (aka Chinese hot pot) is a method of cooking where a big pot of water or stock sits in the middle of the table, food is thrown in and everyone helps themselves from the pot. We had a £5 per person budget and went nuts in the shops. There's a special pot for it that looks like a giant donut when viewed from above but we took the cheapo route and used our rice cookers instead. Yes, it's legit. Prawns and squid and chicken and pork balls and fish balls and fish (damn fish poked me when I was preparing it) and veggies and tofu and noodles and eggs... And in the rice cooker there was chicken stock laced with tom yum paste. Yum yum yum! There were so many leftovers that we had to cook again on Sunday and we still have 7 chicken legs left. We stuffed ourselves silly, I tell you. As soon as I hit my bed, zzzzzzzzzzzz. If you'd like to try this out (and I thoroughly recommend it), here's a helpful guide. There're a lot of dips listed but we only had chilli oil...oooh. Hot!
Here's a difference between the UK and Canada I've noticed. In Canada, donuts (doughnuts?) are eaten for breakfast (or snack in my case). In the UK, they're a dessert. Dessert! And they don't call it dessert here, they call it pudding. Pudding! In Canada, pudding is a gloppy substance eaten for dessert. It doesn't exist in the UK.
On Saturday, my friends and I had a steamboat. For those of you not in the know, a steamboat (aka Chinese hot pot) is a method of cooking where a big pot of water or stock sits in the middle of the table, food is thrown in and everyone helps themselves from the pot. We had a £5 per person budget and went nuts in the shops. There's a special pot for it that looks like a giant donut when viewed from above but we took the cheapo route and used our rice cookers instead. Yes, it's legit. Prawns and squid and chicken and pork balls and fish balls and fish (damn fish poked me when I was preparing it) and veggies and tofu and noodles and eggs... And in the rice cooker there was chicken stock laced with tom yum paste. Yum yum yum! There were so many leftovers that we had to cook again on Sunday and we still have 7 chicken legs left. We stuffed ourselves silly, I tell you. As soon as I hit my bed, zzzzzzzzzzzz. If you'd like to try this out (and I thoroughly recommend it), here's a helpful guide. There're a lot of dips listed but we only had chilli oil...oooh. Hot!
Here's a difference between the UK and Canada I've noticed. In Canada, donuts (doughnuts?) are eaten for breakfast (or snack in my case). In the UK, they're a dessert. Dessert! And they don't call it dessert here, they call it pudding. Pudding! In Canada, pudding is a gloppy substance eaten for dessert. It doesn't exist in the UK.
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