Thursday, February 28, 2002

I've just changed all my links so that they'll open in a new window. I never realised how many entries I'd already made...that took a while.

Feel very sad after watching last night's Sex and the City. Is it normal to empathize with television characters? I just *feel* for Carrie after it ended between her and Aidan. Oh why? Why?

But in honour of next week showing the last episodes of this season, I took the following test and got this:

Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Inside my head, I do think I'm most like Miranda...but I like Carrie's dress sense better. I need to get a life.

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

I am absolutely starving now and I think I'm going to head home for some lunch.

It's Wednesday, though, and at least there's something to look forward to! Sex and the City! It's the only thing I watch on television all week. Don't worry, I'm not totally out of touch with the real world. I just prefer to get my current affairs information from the papers or the Internet.

My little boxes to the right are getting to be a mess. I'll have to sort them out soon.

This recipe for Green tagliardi with crab, garlic, chilli and parsley looks gorgeous. I think I might make it for lunch on Friday. Well, the tagliardi might be substituted with spaghetti...and maybe basil for parsley as I've read somewhere...and as I cannot afford fresh crab, a tin will have to do. I am going to make an adulterated version.

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Oh my goodness, now he's belching.
The guy at the computer in front of me sounds like he's about to cough up a hairball. Ugh.
I've been giving that whole purpose of this site another thought... I actually use it as a list of bookmarks of groovy sites that I like to visit. is it more like a weblog?

Dull day today. A big coursework to be done and I haven't programmed in JAVA in a loooonnnnngggg time. I'm making some headway in it though, which is a good sign. Lots of trial and error.

It's been pointed out to me that I write in a very technical manner. I get straight to the point most of the time, without going round in circles. That might explain why my posts are quite short rather than intimate entries on all the thoughts in my head and what they must mean. It's kinda obvious that I'm a technical person. However, it was a dream of mine to become a writer...perhaps I'm fulfilling that dream somehow by having this page.

Monday, February 25, 2002

For the past coupla days, I've been wondering what the purpose of this site actually is. Is it a weblog, a page whose definition is a log of all the cool sites on the web along with my comments? Or is it an online journal, a page of my thoughts and actions (and deep dark secrets)?

I've come to the conclusion that it's neither one nor the other. It's both. Part log, part journal. Why does this concern you? Well, it doesn't but they're my thoughts. :P
Dom has decided to give Blai the nickname of "Fernando". I have no idea why.
Today I decided to wear makeup. I either have accentuated my features or look like a French whore at the turn of the last century. I'm inclined to believe the latter when I compare my face to my usual no makeup, just crawled out of bed look.

An update: Blai is much better and has gone home to his flat.

Sunday, February 24, 2002

I haven't been doing enough work lately. Tonight will be psycho work night. Armed with a bag of tortilla chips (bad!) and hot salsa, I'll be encoding a DES system in MATLAB. Should be interesting.

But now, I'm heading to the hospital.

Saturday, February 23, 2002

Ice came falling from the sky today as I came into college. It was so light and fluffy that it almost resembled snow... so at least I got to see pseudo-snow this year!

In college on a Saturday to print out some stuff for my Network Security coursework...this looks tough yet fun at the same time. I'm weird.

Friday, February 22, 2002

Whoops, almost forgot the Friday Five:

1. Hey, baby, what's your sign? Do you think it fits you pretty well?
Cancer. And it fits me like a glove. Extra moody and all.

2. What's the worst birthday gift you've ever received?
Nothing pops into my head really... there were some naff stuffed animals...

3. What's the best birthday gift you've ever received?
Ooh...a whole stack of books from my parents. I looooovvvvveeee books. Not a lot of people buy them for me but then again not a lot of people know what I look for!

4. What's the best way you've celebrated your birthday thus far?
Well, biggest party I had was when I was 15. I prefer the ones with just my family though.

5. What are your plans for this weekend?
Nursing the illness I'm expecting. :) But seriously, visiting a hospital to watch patients be monitored for heart problems. It's for a project - not mine but I'm looking on.
Just had a meeting with my second marker. A little dull but he did point out some interesting things to look at.

Went to London Fashion Weekend with Kim Kian. As he didn't need his free gift of lip gloss, I've got two! Actually, what the heck am I going to do with two lip glosses? I barely get through a lip stick in three years! The Weekend is a big shopping market where each designer has his/her own stall. I bought a necklace for two pounds! And little did I know that I asked the designer herself the price of it!

The sick little boy still hasn't left the bed...

Thursday, February 21, 2002

Added a links page to the right...
Ok, so absolutely no one reads my blog. Well, I'm not going to let that deter me! I've submitted this site to some search engines...and it's up to them to decide whether my page is even worth looking for!

There is a very very very ill person in my bed at this very moment. Blai's ill. Bad cold and bad fever and is probably sleeping right now with a cold cloth on his head. Poor thing. Gotta get some paracetamol for him (and for you non European out there, it's pretty much the same as acetaminophen).

Am trying to slowly expand this page...the other pages will be hosted at Netomia though. But there's just so much work...and I haven't done much in the last week. Busy busy busy!

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Hey, does anyone actually read this? Any feedback anyone?
15 minutes! I'm only allocated 15 minutes for a meeting with my second marker! I feel ripped off! I was looking forward to at least a half hour of constructive criticism from this guy! Sigh...oh well...
Nancy Wake is amazing...
Difficult getting up this was either breakfast or a cozy lie in under my duvet... breakfast won even though my jeans didn't want to get on my body...a testament to all the food I'm eating nowadays.

Added a link on the right to an information page about me.

Tour guiding in about an hour. Good money. :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Ooh! Pictures again!
I'm jumping onto the Friday Five bandwagon! OK, so it's not Friday but hey, I'm off on Fridays and I'm usually working at home or chilling. So these were last Friday's questions:

1. What was the first thing you ever cooked?
Um...I think that was scrambled eggs in the microwave... Or could've been rice.

2. What's your signature dish?
Oh dear, I don't have a signature dish. I make brownies really well...

3. Ever had a cooking disaster? (tasted like crap, didn't work, etc.) Describe.
I've almost burned rice...but the biggest disaster was my attempt to add mushrooms to this particular pasta dish. Normally, it's just olive oil, garlic and chillis (divine!) with pasta but I thought that mushrooms would work with it. It just tasted like oily mushrooms.

4. If skill and money were no object, what would make for your dream meal?
Oooh...a creme caramel for dessert...definitely. I've never tried making it and I ought to. What else? Lots of crab....

5. What are you doing this weekend?
Well, didn't do much last weekend. Did a bit of work. Went to the flat-warming. Yeah, think that's about it.
Dinner was good last night. Everyone got along (phew!) and so was good fun. The meeting was so that we could meet up but also so that Sarah could meet Blai. Blai had his usual favourite Char Kway Teow, I had Hokkien Mee, Sarah had the Nasi Lemak and Kevin had the Tom Yum Noodles. We Canadian girls have a healthy appetite!

Monday, February 18, 2002

From what I see of the Americans in my hall, not only is this article from the Onion funny, it's also true.
I got them a jasmine plant.

On Friday night, I slept 14 hours. *14* hours! Is that normal? Well, I've barely been getting 7 hours of sleep each night for the past two weeks and perhaps this is my way of making it up... And I feel great! I've been feeling so lethargic for a while and this sleep definitely helped! Any other stories of long sleeps are welcomed!

Meeting Sarah and Kevin for dinner tonight. We're going to C&R...a great Malaysian/Singaporean place near Gerrard Street in Chinatown.

Friday, February 15, 2002

No lectures today. Am planning to head plant shopping later on to find a suitable flat-loving plant. It's going to be a flat warming gift for Blai and Cristo. Any suggestions?

Thursday, February 14, 2002

Uh oh. I think freeservers has found me out. My pictures don't seem to be loading... Argh!

Happy Valentines Day to one and all! I would have a picture up but ha!, my pictures don't have a home. I'll put it up when I find another home for them. No significant plans but I'm heading over to Blai's to have dinner. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Bwahahahahaha! I found lyrics to the Log Driver's Waltz! If you ask nicely, I'll sing it to you!

For he goes birling down a-down the white water
That's where the log driver learns to step lightly
It's birling down, a-down white water
A log driver's waltz pleases girls completely.

And here's the Good Old Hockey Game!
A nationalistic streak just ran through me... and so I found another blog by another Canadian in London. Found a link from there to a great page on Canadian World Domination!!!!!
Added a guestbook. You can find the link on the right as well. Also added my mooooooooood.

Will be tour guiding around the Electrical Engineering Department today. Two tours more than usual... I decided to wear orange so they knew who to follow!

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

There was an amazing article in the last Observer's Food Magazine on chips. Just reading the article made me crave, crunchy (or crispy), yet soft in the middle....lashings of malt vinegar...some mayo...perhaps a bit of ketchup so I don't get bored....salty, greasy....badness. Yes, I am very aware that they're bad for you...but I don't care. Finally had some today at lunch so my cravings have subsided...for now.
Happy Chinese New Year! It's the Year of the Horse now. Coincides nicely with Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) and so we'll be stuffing our faces with pancakes tonight.

Just handed in my interim report. I couldn't even make an appointment yet to meet my second marker about it. Wonder how long it'll take him to read (read:skim) it anyway? It's only 7 pages long when you take away the title page, references and appendix.

I'm feeling really bad that I'm missing the EEE Revue today. Nirosh will be performing one of the songs that he's written there. Well, we did make him promise to perform it for us again later!

Peter was the guy who brought in the Jelly Babies. I forgot to mention that and was told off for forgetting. We did the same yesterday as well. Sat through 3 hours of Network Security with a bag of Jelly Babies between us. He's brought in wine gums in the past but I don't like the texture of them.

Monday, February 11, 2002

I think my butt is slowly merging with this chair...

I really want a coffee. Oh yeah. A latte. Oooooooooh..... coffee coffee coffee...
Hmmm...have to reconsider my opinion about Melody Pops. They're tiring to eat since your mouth is constantly open and there's the added risk that I'll drool all over the place. Not a good thing when you're working at a computer. I think regular Chupa Chups are better mouth-ergonomically.

Something's been happening this weekend...I can feel it. Everyone seems to have suffered from a lack of motivation and hence, no work has been done. Interesting... wonder if there's a scientific explanation...

Saturday, February 09, 2002

Meeting went very well at the hospital yesterday. It was my first time in a hospital in the UK. They're big and I almost got lost. Bought a Melody Pop at their gift shop! Melody Pops are great! The Chupa Chups website should have more information about them but I can't seem to find my way around yet...

Friday, February 08, 2002

Ooh, busy day. No time to update what's in my tummy. Have to run home now and make an appointment to visit a hospital to see their MRI scanner!

Thursday, February 07, 2002

OK, found a temporary place to store my pictures for now... Acceptable use? Don't know.

Comments system is also up. Please take the time to let your opinions be read!
The search for a place to host pictures continues...

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

I'm hoping to find some place to host pictures... My page is looking very naked right now.
Jelly Babies are yummy! Soft sweet little bits of goodness! I bite their heads off first, rather macabre, I know. Then I stand them up, headless. But anyway, the best are the Bassetts ones. I've eaten another brand before but they were inferior! Eat the yellow bagged Bassetts ones!

And Mr Potato Head is 50 years old! Happy Birthday, Mr Potato Head! I've never owned one but I've played the computerised versions. I'm such a geek.

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

OK, things didn't get ripped apart but there was some useful constructive criticism about adding a floppy disk of examples of what I've been doing. That's a good idea.

The chair I'm sitting on still has a big tag attached with the operating instructions on! And this computing room is like a sauna!
Ooh, Blai came and surprised me last night with a visit! How nice!

A potential PhD supervisor is now requesting my references. Am I the only person out there who feels guilty asking people for references? I feel like another burden on these poor, innocent people.

Going to have a project meeting very soon. My supervisor gets to see my interim report today and I'm terrified! I'm sure it'll be ripped apart!

Monday, February 04, 2002

I wish I had more time this year. I want to learn to knit. But it goes without saying that final year is the busiest.
Quite difficult waking up this morning. The weather is horrible...I don't mind the rain so much but it's the wind that gets to me. It's havoc to a cheap umbrella.

Restaurant we went to yesterday was only average. It was the Vietnamese Restaurant (yes, that's also its name) on Wardour Street in Chinatown. I wonder if it would have been better going to the infamous Wong Kei. I think I should have read the review first!

Sunday, February 03, 2002

I've just successfully burned a test audio CD for my project! Many thanks to Nadeesha, for his zip disk and drive, and to Salman, for his music CDs.

Heading out to dinner with Blai this evening for his name day. This was the first I'd ever heard about the event but apparently they celebrate the feast day of the saint they are named after. So February 3 is the feast day of St Blaise...along with a handful of other saints (didn't realise that there were so many saints).

Saturday, February 02, 2002

I like SpaghettiOs! There's something very nostalgic about them. And my hall of residence serves them every Saturday!
Well, I just wasted an hour of my time in college. I need to grab a 10 second wav file from some audio CDs for my project and apparently I need admin rights on the computers before I can install the required software. I'll have to do that at home and bring in the files using a friend's zip disk...

However, all is not a loss since I've found this absolutely fascinating site on the history of communications. Makes for some swell night time reading! It's pretty obvious that I'm an engineer, isn't it?

Friday, February 01, 2002

Just want to mention that this site looks a heck of a lot better in Internet Explorer than Netscape. A LOT better.
February already...I can't believe this. Time is passing too quickly. The older I become, the faster time seems to pass by. Am I just imagining this?

I only had one lecture this morning and now I'm free for the weekend. Mind you, I'm not actually free yet since I have plenty of work to keep me occupied. My alarm clock didn't go off this morning but that was my fault - I had accidentally set it for 10am. Luckily, there were two cleaners directly outside my room having a rather loud conversation.